Print ISSN : 2321-3604
Online ISSN: 2321-3612
Impact Factor: 7.184


International Peer Reviewed | Open Access | A Quarterly Publishing Journal

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Welcome to Primax International Journal - Call for Paper - June Issue 2023

Welcome to Primax

Primax International Journal of Commerce & Management Research (PrimaxIJCMR) is a double-blind peer reviewed refereed Quarterly journal, which is being published since 2013. It is an Online and Print peer-reviewed International research journal that offers a platform for Scholars, Academicians, Professionals and Students, to publish their latest research findings in the field of Commerce and Management studies. The scholarly journal draws inference from the broader areas Business, Commerce, Management, Economics by detailing various sub-fields like Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior, E-business, E-commerce, Quality Management, Business Ethics, and Strategic management. The journal encourages research publications as original research articles, review articles and case studies from the aforementioned subject categories

The journal offers a global platform for the academia to elevate their image as internationally acclaimed scholars, as the journal reaches the nook and corner of the globe online. Researchers can also reap the benefit of enriching their study by submitting manuscripts to the editorial board that comprises scholars with proven abilities and established research track record. All the articles submitted for publication are subjected to rigorous double blinded peer review to ensure its quality before it gets published. Authors’ scholarly work undergoes critical scrutiny by experts in the same subject to check for scientific validity, relevance and accuracy. Upon getting the final approval from the editorial board members, their decision on acceptance or rejection will be informed via E-mail. The journal supports open access publishing model to maximize the visibility of the published research. This multipurpose tool allows editors and reviewers to get access to the manuscript for review and to communicate with author. The journal does not charge for submission. But a minimal charge is applicable for processing fee. Submit manuscript online at: Online Manuscript Submission System or send as E-mail attachment to [email protected]
Wish you all the Best
Primax Team.

Paper Publishing Policy

Primax International Journal of Commerce and Management Research (Primaxijcmr) publishes articles that emphasizes research, development and application within the fields of Commerce, Management and Economics. All manuscripts are peer reviewed by the editorial review committee. Contributions must be original, not previously or simultaneously published elsewhere, and are critically reviewed before they are published. Papers, which must be written in English, should have sound grammar and proper terminologies. We invite you to submit high quality papers for review and possible publication in all areas of Commerce, Management and Economics. All authors must agree on the content of the manuscript and its submission for publication in this journal before it is submitted to us. All the manuscripts submitted for publication are first peer reviewed to make sure they are original, relevant and readable. Manuscripts should be submitted via Online Submission only.

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Call For Papers

  • Subject Area:
  • Submission Date:
  • Acceptance Status:
  • Publication Time:
  • Frequency:
  • Publication Fee:
  • Commerce, Management & Economics
  • Through out the Year
  • Within 1 Month
  • Online in next 15 days.
  • 4 issues per year
  • Free
Submit article at: [email protected]
Online Submission Form Copyright Form Call For Paper


Journal of Primax welcomes the original articles / review papers in Commerce / Management Discipline.

Marketing Finance HR Information Technology Economics/International Business
Internet Marketing Financial performance Transformational Leadership E- Commerce International Trade
Consumer Behavior Accounting practices Human Capital Management E- Governance Economic Development
Product and Brand Corporate Governance HR Development Soft Computing Techniques, FDI & FII
Crowd sourcing Derivatives & Risk Talent Management MIS Technology Euro Currency and Bond
International Marketing Indian Capital Markets Competency Mapping ERP, Decision Support Impact of Inflation,
Industrial Marketing Asset Pricing Strategic HRM Robotic IT Micro Finance
Social Media Corporate Finance Knowledge Management Experts Systems Gold & Bullion Market
Green Marketing Mutual Fund Training & Development Knowledge Management Emerging Trends in Economy
Market Intelligence Capital & Security Emotional Intelligence TQM, Six Sigma Foreign Exchange
Digital Marketing campaigns Portfolio Management Recruitment & Selection Productivity Management Make in India
Rural Marketing International A/C’s Standard Cross Cultural Technology Management Green economy & its impact
Bottom of the Pyramid Financial Services HR Communication Data Mining, Credit rating
Market Penetration Recent approaches in Banking Organizational Culture Data Warehousing, Disaster Management
Benchmarking Venture capital Performance Management Data Security Business Ethics&GST
Tourism Marketing MSME financing initiative Corporate Governance Web Public Relations Money & Incentive
Multi- Level Marketing Merger, acquisitions Trade unions Big Data Economic Development in India
Banner Advertising Takeovers&Core Banking E-HRM Mobile communication Health Economics
CRM Risk & Innovation online banking Stress &Time Management Artificial Intelligence Venture capital