Print ISSN : 2321-3604
Online ISSN: 2321-3612
Impact Factor: 7.184


International Peer Reviewed | Open Access | A Quarterly Publishing Journal



Name of the editor

Prof. (Dr.)  R. Sarvamangala

E-mail ID

[email protected]

Office Address

Prof. (Dr.)  R. Sarvamangala
Dean Faculty of Commerce and Management
Chairperson of Department of Commerce
Academic Council Member
Bangalore University,
Jnanabharathi Campus

Mobile No.


Role of the editor


Home Page of the editor

Google Scholar profile of the editor

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ResearchGate Profile of the editor

Publications (If publications are not available online, then provide a list of 4 publications published during last 5 years) (Exclude papers published by the editor in the journals of which he / she is in-charge of the publishing company / trust / department)

  1. A Literature Review On The Usage Of Artificial Intelligence In Banking  Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute Published in Vol. CI, Issue-1, 2024  UGC-CARE List Group I Impact Factor: 6.5
  2. Optimization of Quality In Medium Scale Enterprises: A Study On Industry 4.O International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Sciences Website: Issue: 2 Volume No.8  March - April – 2024 DOI:10.46647/ijetms.2024.v08i02.004
  3. A study on performance of neobanks in India Published in Humanities and social science studies journal, UGC CARE group 1 with IF=7.28, vol.12, issue 02,july-december 2023
  4. “A Study on Digital literacy among rural citizen on digital India” published in PARIPEX Indian Journal of Research, volume 12, issue 12, December-2023.
  5. Smart Educational Platforms For Improvements Of Professional Skills Of Higher Education In Commerce And Management Published in Humanities And Social Science Studies Journal , Volume 12, Issue 02, July-December-2023.




Name of the editor


E-mail ID

[email protected]

Office  Address

Chairperson- School of Business Studies
Professor and Head
Department of Commerce
Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India

Mobile No.


Role of the editor


Home Page of the editor

Google Scholar profile of the editor

SSRN profile of the editor


ResearchGate Profile of the editor

Publications (If publications are not available online, then provide a list of 4 publications published during last 5 years) (Exclude papers published by the editor in the journals of which he / she is in-charge of the publishing company / trust / department)

  1. T.Mariappan Dr.B.Revathy, Digital Marketing –Impact on Post –Purchase satisfaction of Consumers, Goya Journal, ISSN: 0017 – 2715 Volume 16 Issue 12, 2023, pp 233 -256
  2. Janat Jeya Kavitha, Dr. B. Revathy, Perception Towards Human Resource Management Practices Of Private Hospitals In Tirunelveli District , Goya Journal, 16 , Issue 12 , 2023, pp-257-281, ISSN: 0017 – 2715
  3. Suganthi.v, Dr.B.Revathy, Impact of Workplace Diversity Management on Organizational Citizenship Behavior in IT Sector, Goya Journal, Volume 16 , Issue 12 , ISSN: 0017 – 2715 2023, Page no : 233
  4. Dr.B.Revathy, Suganthi. V, Influences of Socio-Economic Diversity of IT Employees on
  5. Organizational Citizenship Behaviour, Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 2024, 30(4), 8762- 8771, ISSN: 2148- 2403, pp8762-8771

  6.  Dr.B.Revathy, Soumya. S, Dimensional Assessment of Employees’ Psychology towards Occupational Stress and Work Performance in IT Sector, Manthan: Journal of Commerce and Management, Volume 11, Issue 1, Jan-Jun 2024, pp. 45-65, 2024, ISSN: 2347-4440;e- ISSN: 2395-2601, pp 45-65


Name of the editor


E-mail ID

[email protected]

Office  Address

Associate Professor and Head
PG Research Department of Commerce,
Vivekananda College, Tiruvedakam West – 625 234
Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India

Mobile No.


Role of the editor


Home Page of the editor

Google Scholar profile of the editor

SSRN profile of the editor

ResearchGate Profile of the editor

Publications (If publications are not available online, then provide a list of 4 publications published during last 5 years) (Exclude papers published by the editor in the journals of which he / she is in-charge of the publishing company / trust / department)

  1. Two Papers on “A Study on Green Banking Initiatives of SBI and ICICI Bank” and “A Study on Customers Satisfaction towards ATM Services with reference to public sector banks” in the Bodhi International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Science with ISSN: 2456-5571.
  2. Five papers on “Green Banking Practices in India’, “Enforcement of Security Interest by Commercial Banks in India”, “Customer Relationship Management in Banks”, “A Study on Magnitude of Non-Performing Assets of Banks in India” and “Financing of MSMEs by Foreign Banks and Exports of MSMEs in India” in the Shanlax International Journal of Commerce, Vol.6, Special Issue 2, January 2018 with ISSN: 2320-4168 Pp. 14-33, PP.43-52, Pp.72-77, Pp.110-114.
  3. NPA Reduction Strategies of Commercial Banks in India” in the Shanlax International Journal of Commerce, in February 2018 with ISSN-2320-4168 Pp.:79-85.
  4.  “Financial Performance of ICICI Bank – A Camel Approach” in the Edited Book on “Emerging Trends in Entrepreneurship Development” published by the Department of Commerce, Vivekananda College, Tiruvedakam West, on 12th September 2018 with ISBN: 978-93-87871-79-3 Pp.23-16.
  5.  Three papers on “Financial Performance Evaluation of SBI and ICICI Bank using Camel Model”, “A Study on the Growth of Bank Credit and Investment in MSMEs with reference to Public Sector Banks” and “An Overview of HR Issues in Mergers and Acquisitions” in the Edited Book on “Emerging Issues in Business and Management” published by the Department of Commerce, Vivekananda College, Tiruvedakam West, on 23rd January 2019 with ISBN: 978-93-88398-27-5 Pp.25-30, 147-153.